Increase in value and quality assurance for medical and cactus food by temperature monitoring software on a machine dehydration

The general population requires more and more foods that meet quality standards to ensure health care, so that the industrial and technological development today requires a multidisciplinary participation to ensure food production processes, including product certifications. Control engineering is f...

תיאור מלא

שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
Main Authors: Mata Villalpando-Becerra, Isaac, Lucio-Castillo, Mariby, Flores-Morelos, María Magdalena, Aguirre-Bortoni, Manuel de Jesús
פורמט: Online
יצא לאור: Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas 2010
גישה מקוונת:
תגים: הוספת תג
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